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Frihetsfronten är nätverket för Sveriges libertarianer och nyliberaler.
Vi verkar för individuell frihet, mångfald, marknadsekonomi och öppna gränser. Frihetsfronten grundades 1990 och håller regelbunden mötesverksamhet, bedriver kampanjer, ordnar seminarier och ger ut tidskriften Nyliberalen. E-post: info@frihetsfronten.se Post: Breviabox 620, 114 79 Stockholm |
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Information in English:
Frihetsfronten is the network for Swedish libertarians (often called neo-liberals in Sweden). We hold meetings, arrange seminars, publish a magazine (Nyliberalen), send out press releases on hot topics and take part in the political discussion. Every now and then, we arrange rallies and protest meetings when the government reduces the citizens indivdual liberty and when the Nanny State goes crazy. We have a high profile when it comes to issues such as freedom of speach, open boarders, drug legalization, free trade and civil rights. To get in touch with us, pls. send a mail to info@frihetsfronten.se |